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Family Genealogy Discovering Your Family’s Past

July 27, 2011

With over 6.5 billion people on this planet and with more being born every single day of the year, this ever growing number of people are realising just how important their families are to them. After all, without them we would not be here at all.

Over time many families split up and went their separate ways, for whatever reason they lost touch with each other. Some people do not even know they may have relatives on the other side of the world. But more people want to discover all about their family’s past, they would like to know where they came from and who their ancestors were. Some people think it helps them to know who they are, and others treat it as a great thing for the whole family to get involved in as a great way to connect with each other.

This is called geneology and by researching this, you may be in for a few surprises as to who you may be related to. It could be someone very famous like a Hollywood superstar or even the President of the United States of America. Some very well-known people are actually distant cousins including George W. Bush and his political rival John Kerry, are related even though they were on opposing sides of the political fence.

There are many people who discover they had Hispanic blood running through their veins although they had always thought they were African Americans. Hispanic Americans often discover they are related to American Indians. Because the States is made up of so many different races, it is only natural that many ancestors of the people today are of mixed blood.

It is a long and time consuming process to find out about your genealogy, but if the whole family gets involved, it can also be a fun and exciting thing to do together. Finding important documents about your family like, birth certificates, marriage certificates, immigration documents and death certificates, can be a chore that is shared by the whole family.

The best place to start is at home, by digging out any paperwork you may have on your ancestors. The next place is the public library, where you will find many of the public records you may need to start your search. You will come to a few dead ends, but if you are determined to find out about your ancestors, you will succeed in the end. You may find you are related to someone very famous or it may be that you are related to somebody infamous like an outlaw like Jesse James.

The best part is you will never know unless you find out and start researching your family history with some genealogy.

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